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True World Foods Chilean Uni

May 05, 2018  |  Hit : 21439

Uni Cream Pasta

Ingredients: (serves 2)

o 1/2 log (cut into 4 pieces) uni butter*

o 180-200g (2 servings) pasta

o 2 tsp minced shallot

o 1 tsp minced garlic

o 2 tsp minced jalapeño pepper (optional)

o 4 tbsp heavy cream

o 1/4 cup white wine

o Some pasta water

o Salt and pepper

(For topping)

o Finely chopped parsley

o Finely chopped scallion

o 6-8 pieces raw uni (as much as needed)

o Grated lemon zest (optional)


1. Cook pasta. Stop cooking 1 minute before the required cooking time as it will be tossed with sauce in the pan later.

2. In a pan, put 1 tablespoon of olive oil and sauté shallot and garlic.

3. When they turn transparent, add wine and about 1/3 cup of pasta water and bring it to a boil.

4. Turn heat to low and put uni butter in while constantly swirling the pan. Let the uni butter blend in with the liquid. Avoid heating uni butter on high heat as it turns hard and won’t melt evenly.

5. Add cooked pasta and turn the heat up to high.

6. Add heavy cream and minced jalapeño pepper, and toss the pasta with the sauce a few times in the pan.

7. Add salt and pepper to taste. If the sauce is too thick, add some more pasta water as needed.

8. Plate on individual plates and top with some finely chopped parsley and scallion, and finish with raw pieces of uni.

9. As an option, grate some lemon zest and add at the very end for extra aroma. Shaved truffle also goes well.

*How to Make Uni Butter

Ingredients: (1 uni butter log)

o 2 boxes True World Food’s Chilean uni

o 1 stick (4oz) unsalted butter


  1. Put uni and room temperature butter into food processor and pulse to blend. Scrape the sides in between with spatula to blend evenly.

  1. On a sheet of plastic wrap or parchment paper, spread uni butter and wrap into a log. In addition, wrap it with aluminum foil while shaping it into a better-shaped log.

  1. Put the uni butter log into a freezer until hard. It can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 months.

• Uni butter can be used for risotto, dip, spread for bread, and sauce for other dishes.

True World Foods Chilean Uni  (0) 

May 05, 2018

Try "Uni Pasta" with True World Foods Chilian Uni. What is good about this Chilian Uni? It's available throughout all seasons and very easy to use.